
January 2023

People can go to so many fads and places when January 1st hits. They feel the sudden urge to change their world. New year, new me, or this is when I get in shape or learn to play the piano or inset crazy goal here. So many times, people make these “pie crust” promises. It is an easily made and easily broken promise. I honestly have not come across someone who has made the new years promise, kept the promise, and fulfilled it in all my years. Tell me if you did, I would want to celebrate you! So why do we give ourselves this pressure to make this big goal for our life, and when we fail at it, we begin to think we are failures, which affects our self-worth? Why do we torture ourselves?

If you took my previous statements to mean that you should not make goals, you are wrong. Goal setting is essential and helps to grow you. Why do we set goals so beyond our ability that we are always disappointed when they don’t happen. I am right there with everyone. I would make lists and lists of things I wanted to do or achieve, some happened, but most didn’t. In this crazy new years resolutions time, is there a fad that can work? Is there a way to be successful? There is one fad that I have gotten on and have stuck with, and I encourage you to think about doing the same. That is selecting a word for the year. This word can help set a theme for you that will help you achieve the resolutions you might make or help motivate you to make better choices.

I did this last year, and my word for the year was “change.” I was stuck in a rut emotionally, relationally, and physically. I felt like making “change” my goal would help to de-rut me, and it did. Last year I got a master’s degree, started a doctoral program, and moved 1,200 miles away from home to create a new life and career. Now, does the word you choose to need to make such drastic choices for your life? No! I had no idea that “change” would bring so much change at the beginning of the year. I thought I would read more, become more active, break off unhealthy relationships and maybe start working out. But in the end, change meant so much more to me. I was keeping myself open to the possibility of change and what that could look like.

I am not a person who makes quick, rash choices for those who know me (and those who don’t will learn). I am the opposite. I might overthink things more than I should, but I do logically think through the choices I make. So flipping my life upside down was a total God thing, but the idea of change had me open to hearing His voice and what he would want me to do.

My word this year is “embrace.” Another word that I felt called to this year was “open,” but in reflection, I thought that they were both pushing towards the same goal I had to embrace what God puts in my path and embrace the good, but also embrace the bad things that happen in my life. Embrace the possibilities of joy, love, and adventure and embrace the sorrow of failure and apply grace to it and help learn and grow along the way. Embrace the refining fire of God as He takes this season to grow and stretch me in ways I can’t even imagine yet.

Now I still have some goals this year to work on. I am always wanting to better myself in any way that I can. I love new classes and learning new skills! I will work hard to continue to be successful and maybe even hit the gym a few times this year. But I will embrace the goodness of God and the blessings He pours out. Share your word and thoughts with us; we would love to hear them!

-Brandie Lee

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